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How do I calculate odds and winnings for a mix parlay bet?

The final odds for a mix parlay bet is determined by multiplying the individual odds for each selection.

As an example, if you make a mix parlay bet on the following bet selections with the listed odds and a stake of $100.

  • Team A: 1.86
  • Team B: 1.96
  • Team C: 1.90
  • Team D: 2.36
Bet Result Computation Formula Payout
Win All
Bet on A, B, C and D, and win all bet selections
Stake x Odds - Stake ($100 x (1.86 x 1.96 x 1.90 x 2.36)) - $100
= $1534.69
Win Half
Bet on A, B, C and D, and A only won by half
([(A Odds - Capital) / 2) + Capital] x Win Odds) x Stake - Stake ([(1.86-1) / 2+1] x 1.96 x 1.90 x 2.36) x $100 - $100
= $1156.78
Lose Half
Bet on A, B and C and A loses by half
((Multiply all odds except selection A) x (Stake / 2)) - Stake ((1.96 x 1.90) x (100 / 2)) - $100
= $86.20
Lose Half (x2)
Bet on A, B and C, and A and B lose by half
((Stake / 2) / 2 x Win Odds) - Stake (($100 / 2) / 2 x 1.90) - $100
= -$52.50